Personen / Vibeke Heidenreich

Vibeke Heidenreich

Vibeke Heidenreich

Vibeke Heidenreich

Currently employed at Institute for Social Research (ISF), which is a private research foundation in Oslo, working on a project about recruitment of women to large company boards, financed by the Research Counsil of Norway (RCN). Ph.d. student in sociology at the University of Oslo (UiO) with this project.
Research interests
Women and management, work and organization, private ownership.
Cand. philol (master) in history (2006), UiO
Cand. polit. (master) in sociology (1998), UiO
Work studies (1996), UiO
Studies in economy at the University of Fribourg, Suisse (1991-1994)
Relevant previous work experience
Management trainee in Storebrand 1998
Consultant/researcher in Norsk Gallup (TNS Gallup) and ScanFact 1999 and 2000
Coach/supervisor at "Work studies" (Prosjektforum) for several student groups and one student group at VETT (further training and studies for pharmacists), UiO.



Di, 14.04.2009, 13:00

Frauen an der Macht?! Das norwegische Modell


  • Institute for Social Research (ISF)
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