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People / Wolfgang Dorninger

Wolfgang Dorninger © Winkler

Wolfgang Dorninger © Winkler

Wolfgang Dorninger

Wolfgang Dorninger was born in Linz and lives and works here – and elsewhere. Sound has been the focal point of his work as an artist, be it as the owner of label base records, as musician (Wipeout, Dorninger, etc.), sound designer, sound artist or as a lecturer at the Kunstuniversität Linz. Two diametrically opposed musical worlds dominate his work, and he seems to be able effortlessly to move to and fro between the poles of algorithmic tone production and concrete tones. His compositions range from concertante space and sound installations to multimedia perform¬ances on one hand to theatre music and Techno on the other. His compositions have been performed at countless festivals in Austria and abroad. The most topical project is “Shangri-La. Projektionen von Utopia”, which will be part of the Linz09 programme “Circus”.


  • base records, Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz