People / Jane Caplan

Jane Caplan

Jane Caplan

Jane Caplan

Jane Caplan is a Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford. She took her DPhil at Oxford in 1974 and has taught at Cambridge and Columbia Universities and at Bryn Mawr College. Her main research fields are the history of Nazi Germany and the documentation of individual identity in modern Europe, especially the written and visual marks of identity on and off the body. Recent publications in these fields include "Written on the Body. The Tattoo in European and American History" (2000), "Documenting Individual Identity. State Practices in the Modern World" (coedited with John Torpey; 2001), an edition of Gabriele Herz, "The Women's Camp in Moringen. A Memoir of Imprisonment in Germany 1936-7" (2006; German edition "Das Frauenlager in Moringen", in press), and "Nazi Germany" (2008). She is currently researching passes and identification systems in Nazi Germany. 


  • St Antony`s College, University of Oxford
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