People / Chen Alon

Chen Alon

Chen Alon

Chen Alon

Chen Alon is a Ph.D. candidate in the Theatre Department at Tel-Aviv University, where he also serves as a facilitator and a lecturer of "Activist-Therapeutic Theatre". As a Major (res.) he was a co-founder of the movement "Courage to Refuse", a movement of officers and combatant soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories. For this Alon was sentenced to one month in prison. He is also a co-founder of the movement "Combatants for Peace", a movement advocating non-violence consisting of Palestinians and Israelis. With Nour A-Din Sh'hadda he founded the theatre group of 'Combatants for Peace', which seeks to address the complicated reality in Israel-Palestine in new forms of political activism. The method that has proved most effective in drama workshops in prison and rehabilitation centre settings aims to meld polarized groups into one empowered homogeneous group by exploring and transforming the skewed power relations on stage.

Chen Alon has facilitated various workshops in Los Angeles, Minnesota, Omaha (USA), Paris, Marseilles, Nice (France), Pula (Croatia), the Basque Country, Barcelona (Spain), Belfast, Enniskillen, Donegal (Northern Ireland).  


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