People / Alexander Wilhelm

Alexander Wilhelm

Alexander Wilhelm

Alexander Wilhelm

Alexander Wilhelm (b. 1973) caught the bug of a perennial enthusiasm for science already in his childhood. A qualified designer by training, Wilhelm is active through his company “The Visioneers” in the fields of the visualisation of scientific content and of interaction design. He is a lecturer on 3-D animation and on film and games design at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz and at the Fachhochschule Hagenberg. Wilhelm sums up his take on the sciences as follows: “The intellectual effort required to discover the basic principles underlying the world we live in and to make them broadly accessible is one of the noblest tasks anyone can choose. It may seem a sober enough task to many, to me it is highly inspirational and pure poetry.”



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What is Quantum Physics? And why should I take an interest in it?

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Kepler and Dark Matter

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The Quest for the Horowitz Factor. An unusual expedition into the world of music interpretation

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