People / Paul Brandl

Paul Brandl

Paul Brandl

Paul Brandl

Paul Brandl (born 1954) read Economic Pedagogics from 1973 to 1979 and graduated in 1985. In the course of his career Brandl has been a research associate at JKU Linz and has held a number of different positions in further education, at the voestalpine and at the town council of the City of Linz. He acquired a number of different additional qualifications, especially in the areas project management, personnel and organisational management, systemic working, coaching and quality management. Since 2004 has been professor at the Department Personnel and Organisation at the FH Oberösterreich/Campus Linz. The main focus of his research there is business process management Geschäftsprozessmanagement and the service sector, particularly regarding “life in old age”.


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