People / Christoph Lagemann

Christoph Lagemann © Institut Suchtprävention

Christoph Lagemann © Institut Suchtprävention

Christoph Lagemann

Social worker and psychotherapist Christoph Lagemann lives in Linz, where he has been active in the field of drug prevention since 1982. Between 1982 and 1994 he was head of an ambulant drug prevention unit and involved in preparing drug prevention concepts for institutions Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Since 1994 Lagemann has been the director of Institut Suchtprävention which has continued to grow to its present size of a staff of 30. Lagemann is the spokesman of Österreichische Suchtprävention and chairman of Österreichische ARGE Suchtvorbeugung. As a recognized expert he teaches at Pädagogische Hochschule and the FH Oberösterreich / Campus Linz and is active for a number of international and national bodies.


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