People / Siegfried Priglinger

Siegfried Priglinger

Siegfried Priglinger

Siegfried Priglinger

Siegfried Priglinger graduated in medicine from Vienna University. His postdoctoral fellowship at the Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard Medical School in Boston was dedicated to the immune biology of retina transplantation. He specialized in ophthalmology at the Eye Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. Priglinger undertakes basic research on wound healing in the context of eye surgery and on post cataract prophylaxis;  he is also involved in clinical studies on retinal vascular diseases and age-related macular degeneration. In 2006 Priglinger habilitated and was appointed a lecturer. Since 2007 he has been the head of the Eye Clinic of AKH Linz.


  • Allgemeines Krankenhaus Linz
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